About us

That's Naarmann

A multitude of ways for the gastronomy and food industry to enjoy the benefits of milk. Naarmann, a dairy company based in the Münsterland region of Germany, has been a supplier of high-quality, semi-perishable and varied dairy products for more than 115 years now. Our daily goal is to make it easier for our end users to cook and produce food using our products.

» All about Naarmann

Keyvisual Das ist Naarmann - Produktcollage

Quality and sustainability

For us, quality and sustainability go hand in hand as a matter of course; both require the conscious handling of valuable resources. That's why we use comprehensive quality and sustainability management.

» Our mission

Qualität und Nachhalitgkeit

Partnership with Naarmann

Our partnerships with dairy farmers, producers and restaurateurs are characterised by mutual inspiration and reliability. Together, we set new standards, develop innovative products and benefit from our dialogue.

» Naarmann as a partner

Naarmann als Partner

Our Team

We’ll take care of your concerns with total commitment and dedication.

» Get to know the team


Our company video

Take a look behind the scenes at the Naarmann private dairy and learn more about our working methods, products, people and the Neuenkirchen location.  

Video file